Thursday, November 24, 2011

Zarm and Jake Rattlehead

Jake Rattlehead is a satireization of Zarm, the spirit of war and destruction from "Captian Planet."


"Jake Rattlehead"

About Jeanne Gallegos

My friend and adopted baby sister, Jeanne went to an African-American Church in the Bay Area, just asking for a place to stay, and those gossips falsely accused her of being full of demons.  Over 35 churches have treated this poor Native American. like trash for being poor, autistic and in Wallowa County, Oregon, for being native American.  Chief Joseph was ran out of the Wallowas in 1877, and years later, Taz Conner started the Nez Perce Homeland Project.  Tamkaliks was started by the Conner Family.

Needless to say, Jeanne is about the best Christian that I ever knew, and is not even a celebrity preacher.

If you delete this, the PUNX police will arrest you, try you and kick you A** with Black Flag

Portland Hospitals

The Portland governenment uses OHSU and other hospitals to hold people that are undesireable or otherwise prisoner and hostage.


EDITORIAL:  The only thing that should be a capital offense is murder in the first degreee with extenuating circumstances.  Serial killers do and rightfully should get the death penalty.

Smirnov Vodka

Lennin, Tortsky and Stalin can go in 3-ways on this corporation.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Old Saltface

"He needs the eternal sphinchter"

KFBW the Brew

KFBW stands for K-Flunked BW.  The Brew is a poison brew.


OHSU has Nazi policies.  Remember, no one would DARE smoke around Adolph Hitler.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

a pay off

Some sh*thole f*cked up streamripper2 royally.  It was probably a pay off.



UnIversalism is not "all the world religions combined".  ThIs is unprofitable.  It could be just a philosophy about 1- adherents to various religions not arguing with each other about precepts and dogma and 2- adherents of religions agreeing to disagree and 3- adherents to religions caring for adherents of another religion and 4- altruism.  If it was the first thing (combination of ReLiGions) it would be an "apostate church".

Sunday, November 6, 2011

the apostate church


There is a heresy called "feminist Christianity."  It is the apostate church.  There is only one Christianity, and that is it. period.   That is the Christianity that Jesus taught, preached and died on a cross for to pay for all our sins. [in the opinion of Christians]

Wicca should be Wicca and Christianity should be Christianity.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


HEY - Go back to China where you belong, acid freak jessica

Reclaiming collective

Briana X was in Reclaiming Collective.  This time Tass was true press.

Special Report

I did not kn ow who the person who screwed with me the most, but I was screwed around with voice to skull weapons, evil technology reminisent of an technologically advanced CONCENTRATION CAMP, and did not want the church to abandon me, but evil is in high places. (not Jesus's place, or the Father of Lights).  That is why I had to reveal wiccans that invited me to a coven as Alister Crowley magicians.   I am mentally ill

Special Report

The leader you installed is mentally ill.  Just ask Dr. Crowley phd. Hypnotherapist.

LSD versus alcohol

LSD aka acid, is the wrong way to have fun.  I do not know who likes to fry, but all I did last night was drink myself hammered (drunk as a skunk). but pot aka marijuana is good stuff.

gambling games and other

Captian Solo requests permission to speak candily...  Gambling games for fun (plastic poker chips - hoyle) are okay for all people, but gambling games for real money, slaves or technology is foolish...

money is meant to be spent for what a person needs, or wants that is a little bit more than need, but never to be used to throw one's weight around.

last joke


(game of Russian Roulette ensures)


I love you all

FDR (Franklin Delenor Rosevelt) was right.  Stalin was wrong.  Remember Scott Cunningham (Solitary Wiccan - Original Tradition of Wicca Unknown).   The Goddess and God are the same as the Lady and Lord.  Ozzy Osbourne and Jerry Garcia should just learn to argree to disagree.

open source software should be honest, completly open source, because you, Linus torvaldes, made the gnu license possible, but "free" is like as in "free speech", not "free beer".  I saw quite a few programs from Novel Corp that were copyrighted...

Megadeth cares.  So does Metallica.  Slayer sucks.

conclusion:  THERE ARE NO WINNERS IN A NUCLEAR WAR.  YOU CANNOT BEAT "Missle Command"  You lose in most arcade games, and the Atari games are usually easier than the arcade game it is made like.

"To learn how to love and forget how to hate" - Ozzy Osbourne from a song called "Crazy Train" - Blizzard of Ozz

"I ain't kidding" - from a book regarding "witches flying ointments" by Scott Cunningham

"Perfectionism is RIGID!!!"  - Paraphrased from Jeanne Annette Gallegos - the best friend I ever lost from a stupid mistake ):

Marijuanna (Pot, ganga, weed, dope (not the kind you shoot in your veins), ) gets you unaddicted to heroin, alcohol

Strong coffee gets you unaddicted from cocaine and speed (crank)

alcohol gets you unaddicted to opium if pot is illegal, and gets acid out of your system fast.

Espresso (Super Coffee) is for a person "coked to the gills"

The only thing missing is the marijuana factor (so illegal that "old spindily fingers (palpatine) and "old vaccum mouth" (Darth Vader) made it punishable by death.

"Abuse happens behind closed doors" - Jeanne Annette Galllegos

The so called "drug devil" (willow) - he quit acid

From Russia with Love

Vodka - The official drink of the USSR

- Stalin might be an old corpse, but he is still in power

Spacely is a slave driver

- - - George Jetson - Vice President of Cogsell Cogs

Spacely is a s T o o P

- Uniblab

Last report from Stalins Press Organ

Boris Yeltsin says, "Al Gore should have been President in 2000."

Nintendo warfare

Gorkey:  The aftermath of doomsday.

Moscow was blown into next week, and there are mutants in Budapest, Hungary.  With our crappy stuff, we know the USA won this 30 minute war.  Voice of America transmissions sound like gieger counters.



Gorkey survived in the last war.

CIA secrets



Red army starts nuclear war.  alas STalin blows his brains out playing Russian Roulette.

KGB report - USSR most wanted


Dragon's real name is Justin Delorenzo



Stalin is doing purges.

<sound of gunshot on radio>

Word from Comrade Stallin

PRAVDA! The hungarian uprising got put down!


YAHOO! We also have pot.


Ecotopia's New Legislature - USSR Moscow

Back in the USSR

New from Moscow... Ecotopia's new flag.